Frequent questions

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Frequent questions

If you have a question that isn't answered below, send us a message via email or RSS. We will contact you shortly. 

If you create a cosmetic product to sell within the United Kingdom or the EU, you will need a safety assessment, product information file, and product notification on the corresponding portal.

This is a document signed by a safety assessor with official qualifications to confirm that your product is within the safety limits established by the United Kingdom or the EU.

Yes, each product must have its own product information file that includes a safety assessment of the product.

We will make recommendations to make your formulation safe. It might be necessary to lower the levels of essential oils to the maximum allowed amount or add antioxidants to prevent the oxidation of easily oxidizable ingredients.

Don't worry, we will advise you to guide you:

  • which stability tests your formula needs
  • if it requires a challenge test or a preservative efficacy study

And we will recommend any other tests that we consider pertinent. 

It depends on your cosmetic product: form, formulation, etc. For example, water-based cosmetic products need to show a good preservative system through a challenge test or a preservative efficacy study conducted in a laboratory.

Our goal is to take less than 10 business days. 

If there are questions or issues with the submitted documentation, this can increase the time, so make sure to send us all the requested information.

The cosmetic product information files and their safety assessments are carried out in accordance with European law 1223/2009. Therefore, they remain valid until the regulation changes, but any change in the formulation or manufacturing process invalidates them.

All changes require a new order called "update of my information file and safety assessment." 

Yes, the notification to the Cosmetic Products Notification Portal (CPNP) is part of the Cosmetic Product Safety Report.

Yes, the Cosmetic Product Safety Report includes the review of the product label, as it must also be notified to the Cosmetic Products Notification Portal (CPNP).

Absolutely! We want to confirm that the claims you wish to make about your cosmetic product (benefits, characteristics, etc.) are acceptable within the cosmetic legal framework. We want to ensure that the claims correspond to a cosmetic product and not to another type of product.

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