From business between friends to formal business


Angélica began her sale of cosmetic products and when she established her clients, she decided to legalize all her formulas.

Cosmetic safety helped him with training on good manufacturing practices BPF or GMP for its acronym in English (Good Manufacturing Practices).

By hiring the consultancy, we were able to see your process and make recommendations for improvement. These recommendations included tools with a total cost of less than 90 euros that managed to double or triple their production depending on the product.


He started his sale of balms online without knowing the cosmetic legislation and the basis of aromatherapy.

In addition to creating your cosmetic product information file, we made recommendations to improve the scent of your product, corrected claims that were more directed at a medical product, informed you about tools that could speed up your manufacturing process, and taught you how to write your process. In this way, he was able to have all his documentation in order and with our guide he was able to notify his product on the British portal.

Be the next to advise your business

We listen to what stage you are in to adapt the services based on your needs.

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